The Real KCNA

Saturday, September 30, 2006

DPRK Quakes in Fear at Prospect of New South Korean Weapons

The DPRK is terrified of the South's plans for a new war deterrant, which may ruin the North's plans for a second invasion, under the pretext of a "pre-emptive attack". The South is developing robotic weapons systems, and missile arrays, which will put the North's starving and demoralised army to shame. The North criminally uses National Service, to force people to serve in its army. It does this because "strength in numbers" is all that is has for its invasion force. The rest of it's equipment is outdated and primitive. Ironically, the development of these new technologies may cause the desperate North to accelerate its war moves, and invade before the systems are completed.

Friday, September 29, 2006

DPRK Ignorance and Hypocrisy Assailed

The DPRK has criticised South Korean laws designed to stop the spread of the social cancer known as Juche. This comes from a society which still bans South Korean Radio and Television, and mercilessly promotes Juche by stomping on Democratic movements. The DPRK would do well to remember not to persecute and apply double standards to its brothers and sisters in the South, lest they damage inter-Korean relations.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

DPRK Urged to Stop Spreading Lies

Once again the DPRK has decided to lie in the face of truth and try to shift the blame for the present crisis onto the shoulders of others. The DPRK has been teaching its children slanderous lies about the Korean War and the US for years, and often prints these lies in it's state-controlled media.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

DPRK Corruption Under Fire

Oppressed groups within the DPRK are campaigning for a real Democratic government and an end to sleaze and corruption, despite serious repercussions from the 'military' (Kim Jong-il's goons). People all over the country seek and end to the famine and poverty that the dictatorship has inflicted on its people. Only with outside help may they acheive their goals of peace and prosperity, and freedom from the warmonger Kim Jong-il.

DPRK Wins Bullshit Award

The DPRK has won the international bullshit award, for biased and fictitious reporting. The article goes on: The competition was held to judge which country in the world made the most use of propaganda and misinformation, and the winner was overwhelmingly the DPRK. Indeed, the DPRK is famous for telling bare-faced lies, along the same lines as "the sky is green" and "up is down". Although people can see through these lies, it doesn't stop them trying, and so we have presented them with an award to commemorate their efforts.

Monday, September 25, 2006

DPRK Fantasy Version of "History" Blasted

In the mdoern age, where information is free and accessible to most people on the planet, it seems strange that a primitive country like the DPRK prevents its people from accessing that information. Indeed, these actions are not so much strange, as they are sinister. The DPRK has painted a fictitious picture of historical events, in order to hide the truth over its aggressive war of conquest with the South decades ago. Soviet records prove that the attack was premeditated, but it is unlikely that ordinary DPRK citizens will see this, due to the regime's promotion of ignorance. The fact is, that information and truth cannot be stopped indefinitely, and the people of the DPRK will one day realise how they have been lied to and cheated.

DPRK Spinning Wild Tales Over Japanese Sanctions

The DPRK is spreading rumours of an "aggressive policy" towards the DPRK by the Japanese, who recently imposed sanctions following the country's bullying tactics and war-threats. The DPRK seeks to paint itself as the victim, when it has recklessly destabilized the entire region through unprovoked aggression.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kim Il Sung's Exploits in Murder Flailed

Today, groups around the world have gathered their thoughts in memory of the 800,000 South Koreans murdered in the North's attempted conquest of the South. Seeking to pervert the South's free society, the North launched a surprise and unprovoked attack, resulting in many deaths of innocent people.

DPRK Accuses US

In an article posted by the fake KCNA website, the DPRK accuses the US of being the number one "harasser of global peace". Indeed, this is simply a typical response from a murderous regime, which has much to fear as humanity rises up to foil their heinous crimes. The DPRK has vowed to force its ideaology on other nations, which will result in the oppression of millions, along with the torture and murder of citizens who oppose them. By spreading vicious unfounded rumours about the US, the DPRK seeks to damage its alliances with other countries, but will only result in its own isolation when the rest of the world grows weary of the lies.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

South Korea Will Never Adopt Juche

The proud and independant people of South Korea have vowed never to adopt "Juche" when the country officially reunites. The discredited system is supposed to promote "self reliance" but has left the country economically devastated and dependant on foreign food aid. The people of South Korea are prosperous and enjoy many more freedoms than people in the North. They have decreed that the North Koreans must give up this terrible system so that the national economy isn't ruined during reunification.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Breaking News: Fake KCNA Workers Murdered!

The fake KCNA website is often not updated on a Sunday (even forced labourers get 1 day off), but there has been no news today either. An investigation has shown that the workers there were murdered by the Kim regime for almost telling the truth instead of the government propaganda. Loyal brainwashed workers are now being groomed to take their place.

Friday, September 15, 2006

DPRK Embarrassed in Defeat

The DPRK has called for the removal of a statue of General MacArthur from South Korea. The statue commemorates the general's brave actions in turning the tide of the Korean War. The statue represents the freedom of the South, and is an embarrassment to the North, which lost its war of Aggression decades ago. The DPRK will face difficulties in reunification, as its twisted view of world history must be put aside in order to agree with the official version of events in Seoul. Rather than face this task head on, the DPRK seeks to bury the truth and save face.

Japan Blocks DPRK Warmongers

Japan has blocked the entry of the DPRK synchronised swimming team into its country in line with its already established policy. Visits by North Koreans are banned since the aggressive and provocative missile tests earlier this year. The DPRK has been accused of feigning shock at the decision, although it was made some time ago. Japan rightly believes that the DPRK may attempt to sneak spies and terrorists into their country, which is a likely event considering their past behaviour. The DPRK has now decided to twist these events in an attempt to smear the reputation of Japan. Fortunately the world can see through these lies.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

DPRK Seeks New Invasion of South Korea

By printing minority views, and presenting baseless accusations by unpopular DPRK regime-friendly groups as fact, the KCNA seeks to tear away the US forces defending the soveriegnty of the South. The DPRK seeks to open the path to a new invasion, such as the one which occured decades ago. The ultimate goal of the DPRK is the "strip-mining" of the South Korean economy, and oppression of its people. The DPRK has found support among mentally unstable and disillusioned young people in South Korea, and uses it to advance its nefarious schemes and crumble the society from within. The South Korean children would do well to heed the lessons from history, or they may soon end up in one of the North's many prison camps.

DPRK Propaganda Flailed

In an article called "U.S. Sub-Critical Nuclear Test Assailed" the KCNA has today sunk to new lows. The article, which provides no evidence for its wild claims, can only be described as reckless propaganda, aimed at causing instability and disaster in the world. In particular, the line "the U.S. is working hard to manufacture smaller nuclear weapons of high explosive power and use them as conventional weapons in all wars" is an unfounded accusation. The world community and respectable news services across the globe urge the KCNA to stop its war mongering tactics, and report with honour and honesty.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

World Frustrated by DPRK Aggression

The DPRK's war moves and aggression are causing tensions throughout the Korean Peninsula and around the world. Their latest threat of a nuclear test under the pretext of a "deterrant", is only adding fuel to the fire. The DPRK seeks conquest of South Korea in order to steal its wealth, and enslave its people under its devastating regime. It tried to do this by war decades ago, but were beaten back by the combined might of the US and South Korean forces. Now it seeks to do this by "peaceful reunification", however, the regime is coming to terms with the fact that by doing so its own people may see the lies that have been told to them over the years. This is why the DPRK is backing away from reunification, using pathetic excuses to delay the process. They now seek to bully the South into another war, which they will claim is started by the other side.

Sure Victory of Freedom

People around the world are united in solidarity in opposing terror, oppression, and state interference in ordinary lives, such as exists in the DPRK. The DPRK has corrupted the very idea of Socialism and deformed into a terrible regime, which tries to control its people's lives, with the threat of imprisonment and torture for those who do not comply. The broken DPRK cannot stand against the might of the world in its unity, and sooner or later the regime will be tossed aside so that the people there can live free lives in a just and civil society.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Banquet Given in Celebration of DPRK Birthday

The above title is from an article printed by the fake KCNA website. The DPRK has no shame in admitting its leaders eat at banquets, while its people starve to death outside. Indeed, this is an attempt to show defiance to the world, in that it will not hide its sickening actions, nor bend to the will of humanity and rectify its behaviour. Socialism in the DPRK is well and truly dead, and its metamorphosis into a dictatorship is complete.

DPRK Spouts More Crap

In an article called "Dignity and Might of DPRK Shining in World", the fake KCNA website has once again shown the DPRK's ability to lie through its teeth. Indeed, if the world said the sky was blue, the DPRK would argue that it is green. It's claims that the people of the DPRK have become the "greatest people", is an indication of the government's desire to lie to its people in order to give them false hope. The government is barely clinging to power in the face of political embarrassment, famine and economic disaster. To boost its support, it invents stories designed to increase anger against foreigners and pride in itself, despite its obvious failures and lies. The philosophy of "Juche" is self-reliance, yet the country relies on aid, and cries when economic sanctions are justly put upon it. The real KCNA website urges the people of the DPRK to prove Juche is a workable system by refusing all aid, and voluntarily cutting all economic ties.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

DPRK Tests Nuclear Device

Earlier today, the DPRK tested a nuclear device, which ended in a dramatic failure. There as no explosion at all, but the device leaked dangerous radiation over a wide area, killing thousands and adding to the tragedy brought on by the recent floods that killed 50,000 people. This is a big disaster and is likely to increase tension on the peninsula, and speed up the DPRK's desire to invade more prosperous lands. Even the monkeys that operate the KCNA computers were killed, and no new reports have been added to their website since. KCNA service will resume when new monkeys can be trained to operate the computers. News is generated when the monkeys press buttons to receive food pellets. Many of the DPRK's starving citizens also applied for the job, but were turned down because monkeys require smaller cages.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

DPRK's Human Rights Abuses Assailed

Every day, refugees from the DPRK bring horrific stories of mistreatment and abuse. The DPRK has a caste system, where Kim Jong-il's lackeys are the top class, his opponents are the low class, and the rest of society falls in the middle. Your standing in society determines whether you get enough food, and money to survive. It is also quite typical for opponents of the regime to be arrested and locked away without trial in secret prisons, where they are raped, tortured and executed. These horrendous crimes will not go unpunished, and the war criminal Kim Jong-il will be arrested and put on trial after his regime collapses. This day will not be far off, due to his citizens anger over their abuses, famine, and economic ruin.

"Korean Friendship Association" is a Gangster Organization

The so called Korean Friendship Association is a dangerous band of brainwashed sycophants, thugs, and gangsters, according to a security review. Many of the group are Socialists, which may explain why they ignore the human rights abuses and failings of the corrupt DPRK. It is a well known fact, that Socialists often become frustrated that they are a minority, and rabidly defend "Socialist" states such as the DPRK. This often causes them to overlook the war crimes and mismanagement of the country's regime. Such is the case with the KFA, which has fallen for the DPRK's propaganda. A typical event occured during one KFA trip to the DPRK. An American man made a comment during a trip to one of the governments "show room" farms, which was not supportive of the DPRK's regime. The insane Spaniard who leads the KFA, confonted him on the bus, making serious physical threats. Later in his hotel, he was attacked by the same man, who destroyed his property and accused him of spying (even though all other members took photographs at the same locations). This suppression of independant thought and opposing viewpoints, is a typical action by the KFA gangsters, and indeed Socialism as a whole.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Truth About DPRK Floods Revealed

A charity within the DPRK has revealed that as many as 50,000 people could have died in the flooding. Official sources claim only a few hundred died, but given its reputation for downplaying its weaknesses, and its penchant for propaganda, this information cannot be relied upon. This is sad and tragic news, because the people of the DPRK already suffer under its leadership. The flooding occured around the time that students undergo their forced labour in the fields, and there are fears that many children may be among the dead. The Real KCNA offers their sympathies to the innocent civilians of the DPRK. Hopefully, your regime will collapse soon, and international aid and supplies can be brought to where its needed.

"Rodong Sinmun" Propaganda Flailed

Once a day the DPRK produces a cheap pamphlet called "Rodong Sinmun", which is a serious source of propaganda within the DPRK. The glorified toilet paper consists mainly of lies about foreign nations. It has recently come under fire worldwide for its poor quality reporting and outright lies. The world journalism expert said: "It is sad to see this stain on our profession being touted as the truth by the dishonored KCNA. The KCNA (the official name for the governments mouthpiece), often prints stories from Rodong Sinmun, which are designed to spread lies, hatred and interrupt peaceful diplomacy. Recently the stories have become more vicious, which some analysts are claiming may be due to the countries moves for war. "This could be an attempt to raise public anger at a time when the DPRK wishes to begin its war of aggression" an expert said.

Monday, September 04, 2006

KCNA in Row Over Bias

The KCNA has come under fire today for posting several articles which are entirely biased, proving once and for all that it is nothing more than Kim Jong-il's personal mouthpiece. The tripe printed today includes an "Appeal to All Koreans", which is nothing more than a desperate rallying cry by a doomed regime. The article also puts forward ridiculous ideas without evidence or sources, which suggest that the US would lose a nuclear war with the DPRK. Another article claims that Socialism will be the sure winner over peace and freedom, yet history has proven a thousand times that Socialism doesn't work. All attempts at Socialism in the past have resulted in murderous regimes, such as the one in the DPRK.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

DPRK "Beating its Chest"

In true caveman style, the DPRK is spreading angry and war-mongering messages about the US' recent defence test in the region. The DPRK, who's long range missile test ended in failure, is upset about the missile defence system. A DPRK spokesman is reported as saying: "It's hard enough to make our missiles fly, without someone trying to shoot them down. How can we wage our war of aggression when our enemies have better technology than us?" The DPRK has a large army, but it is short on food, supplies, and skill. The DPRK's ruined economy cannot provide adequately for its armed forces, and it becomes weaker every day. This desperate situation may be behind the aggressive war moves of the North, who crave blood and seek to fight before they are reduced to wielding sticks and stones against the might of the world.

DPRK Lying Through Its Teeth Over Abduction Issue

Over many years, the DPRK has kidnapped hundreds of citizens from other countries, subjecting them to unspeakable horrors and mistreatment. Recently Japan has been seeking answers from the DPRK over the kidnappings of its own citizens, and especially over the deaths of several of the victims. The DPRK is sticking its head in the sand and pretending the issue doesn't exist. They have also spread lies about the issue to cloud it, but the truth will be discovered eventually. When the DPRK's horrendous crimes are proved to the world, the global community may have no choice but to act to remove the maniac Kim Jong-il from power.

Friday, September 01, 2006

DPRK Hypocrisy Raises its Ugly Head Again

Today, the DPRK criticised the South for developing new defences against its aggression. This is in spite of the North's many missiles, which are pointing at Seoul. The Real KCNA website urges the DPRK to "put their money where their mouth is", and remove the offensive missiles. If you truly believe in a peaceful reunification, then do not threaten your kin so. Failure to comply will prove once and for all that the North seeks the conquest of the South by force, and the erosion of its culture, economy and freedom.