The Real KCNA

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

DPRK Moves to Ignite War Under Fire

The DPRK is considering testing another nuclear device, to add to it's offensive arsenal . Previous tests have resulted in dramatic failure, but these new war moves will be treated as serious for the time being. Should the DPRK be successful in developing successful nuclear weapons, they will most likely be targetted at Seoul. The DPRK uses missiles which cannot support a heavy warhead, which means they cannot target the US, or most other countries. This grave demonstration of hostility towards their brothers should be seen as a warning. The North will stop at nothing in it's goals of global conquest, and the strip mining of the South Korean economy. Small DPRK funded groups within South Korea are attempting to change attitudes towards the DPRK, leaving the people there with no idea of the true threat on their doorstep.


At 10:54 AM, Blogger Jackson Landers said...

Do you think that their current missile technology would allow them to get a heavy nuclear warhhead as far as Guam? If not Guam then what about Okinowa?

At 12:59 AM, Blogger A SImple Man said...

Our missles are capable of interplanatary flight. The previous missle tests you refer too in fact circumnavigated the globe at sublight speeds. Dear Leader, who provides all,has once again demonstrated to the west the invincable nature of Juche science.


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