"Korean Friendship Association" is a Gangster Organization
The so called Korean Friendship Association is a dangerous band of brainwashed sycophants, thugs, and gangsters, according to a security review. Many of the group are Socialists, which may explain why they ignore the human rights abuses and failings of the corrupt DPRK. It is a well known fact, that Socialists often become frustrated that they are a minority, and rabidly defend "Socialist" states such as the DPRK. This often causes them to overlook the war crimes and mismanagement of the country's regime. Such is the case with the KFA, which has fallen for the DPRK's propaganda. A typical event occured during one KFA trip to the DPRK. An American man made a comment during a trip to one of the governments "show room" farms, which was not supportive of the DPRK's regime. The insane Spaniard who leads the KFA, confonted him on the bus, making serious physical threats. Later in his hotel, he was attacked by the same man, who destroyed his property and accused him of spying (even though all other members took photographs at the same locations). This suppression of independant thought and opposing viewpoints, is a typical action by the KFA gangsters, and indeed Socialism as a whole.
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