The Real KCNA

Thursday, September 14, 2006

DPRK Seeks New Invasion of South Korea

By printing minority views, and presenting baseless accusations by unpopular DPRK regime-friendly groups as fact, the KCNA seeks to tear away the US forces defending the soveriegnty of the South. The DPRK seeks to open the path to a new invasion, such as the one which occured decades ago. The ultimate goal of the DPRK is the "strip-mining" of the South Korean economy, and oppression of its people. The DPRK has found support among mentally unstable and disillusioned young people in South Korea, and uses it to advance its nefarious schemes and crumble the society from within. The South Korean children would do well to heed the lessons from history, or they may soon end up in one of the North's many prison camps.


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