The Real KCNA

Thursday, August 31, 2006

DPRK Claims it Will Not Back Away From its Path of Self-Destruction (i.e. Socialism)

The DPRK today claimed that it will not back away from its corrupt ideals. This will only lead the country to ruin. Its economy is almost dead. It's people are starving. The DPRK's interpretation of Socialism (because it is not true Socialism) is the cancer that will destroy its heart. Kim Jong-il wishes to runify with the South, by force if necessary, to absorb their wealth and strength. The cancer will surely eat away at the South too in time. Prolonging the demise of his regime is Kim Jong-il's number one goal.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

DPRK Moves For War Blasted

The entire world has become tired of the DPRK's "bully" and "gangster" tactics, says a special report. It goes on: North Korea has a large army, but it lacks the food and supplies to wage the war of aggression dreamed of by Kim Jong-il. Also, the DPRK's criminal policy of National Service means that many soldiers may not be prepared to fight when the time comes. His military is as effective as his missiles, the newest of which crashed into the ocean shortly after take off earlier this year. This is a serious blow to Kim Jong-il's nefarious plans, and good news for all the peaceful countries of the world.

Scientists Discover Rampant Brain Problems in DPRK

Scientists have discovered that many people in the DPRK are afflicted by some kind of brain disease. The disease primarily affects their memory. The lead scientist is quoted as saying "This explains a lot. Their news service always repeats the same stories, and uses the same phrases constantly. This must be due to the memory loss." The disease may also be the cause of their lack of humour and vulnerability to brainwashing. The research continues.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Real KCNA receives floral baskets

Our news service has been proud to receive floral baskets from many countries, including China. The leader said "We respect your truthful articles. We only wish the DPRK were as honest as you." Thank you to everyone who sent us a gift.

Monday, August 28, 2006

DPRK Economy Weakens in Aftermath of its Illegal Counterfeiting

The false KCNA website has posted an article, denouncing the sanctions put on the DPRK a year ago following their counterfeiting of foreign currency. This desperate move highlights the country's hardship and guilt, and demonstrates that the sanctions are working. DPRK propoganda, sabre-rattling and its illegal activities have caused foreign nations to take action to punish these crimes.

Friday, August 25, 2006

DPRK Urged to Stop Spreading Slanderous Lies

A special report has condemned the DPRK for spreading lies and a false history of events on the peninsula following the Japanese Withdrawal. The Japanese withdrew, because its war with America left it devestated and unable to continue its war plans. The DPRK paints a false picture of the Americans as "imperialists", when they have stood up for justice and freedom on the peninsula. The DPRK spreads ludicrous claims, such as Kim Il-Sung being the sole reason the Japanese left the peninsula. It also claims that the Americans incited the Korean war, when it was really the DPRK who started it, in an attempt to spread its own ideaology and control over people who do not want it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Aircraft Bombing Atrocity Remembered

People around the world united in solidarity against the evil terrorist actions of the DPRK, in bombing the Korean Air Jet in 1987. This vile act of murder against Korean people only proves that the DPRK does not seek national unity, but national conquest.

Japan Rightly Bars DPRK Table Tennis Team From Entering

Japan has quite rightly stopped the DPRK "sports" team from entering the country. This is in continued protest over the DPRK's sickening war moves. It is also a good security measure, as the DPRK has along history of using unusual means to sneak in spies and saboteurs. Perhaps this will teach the DPRk a serious lesson, that the world will not tolerate its propoganda and aggressive behaviour.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

DPRK Annual Sabre Rattling Passes Without Incident

Every year the DPRK opposes the joint US-SK military exercises with a strongly worded threat. The other recent DPRK moves for war has caused extra tension in the region, and experts were nervous that the DPRK would use the routine exercises as an excuse to launch an attack on its peaceful neighbours. Luckily, further action has not occured.

It is well known that the DPRK seeks war, but its goal is to force others into initiating the conflict, so that it can claim to be the victim (another source of propaganda and brainwashing for its oppressed citizens).

The fact that the peace has been maintined may also be proof that the DPRK's poor economic conditions and food shortage have had an effect on morale, and its ability to conduct violence.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Soveriegnty of Nations

While in most cases, the sovereignty of a nation needs to be respected, there are cases where the rights of a nation are overshadowed by the rights of all human kind. The right for people to live free and productive lives of their own choice, and the right for each person to free speech and a free market, are far stronger than the rights of nations to restrict these rights. In those cases, other nations have a right (indeed, a responsibility) to intervene and save people from oppression. In cases where the state takes too many rights from its citizens, the world should unite and act to defend them. History has shown a thousand times that socialist nations are run by greedy powermongers, who try to control the lives of their population. We can only hope that the poor people of the DPRK are liberated soon, from the tyrant Kim Jong-il.

DPRK Hypocrisy Under Fire

The fake KCNA has once again printed tripe, which shows off its nature as world hyprocrit. The DPRK condems joint South Korea and US military exercises, which are conducted as a peaceful friendship exercise by the two countries, who wish to share a greater bond. The unfounded accusation that they are 'war moves' comes despite the North's insistence that soveriegnty of nations should be respected, and that countries have a right to self defence. As the real government of Korea lies in Seoul, it is indeed the DPRK who is the aggressor here.

The DPRK also took an aggressive stance against Japan earlier today, in protest at the crimes it committed during WW2. While Japan should indeed apologise, the aggressive stance taken by the DPRK is an over-reaction. A new generation of Japanese people are entirely innocent of the crimes of the WW2 government and military. Aggressive action against Japan will only paint the DPRK as murderers and war mongers.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Kim Jong-il is a Child Rapist

A special report has uncovered disgusting truths about the leader of the DPRK. It has been revealed that several times a month, he will have his lackey's send for a child from one of the DPRK's brainwashing schools, and then spend several hours putting them through all kinds of abuse. The child is rarely seen again, and fears grow over their safety.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Real KCNA Slams DPRK War Crimes

The DPRK's war crimes are the most disgusting in history, according to a worldwide study. The DPRK first caused international outrage when it invaded the free south decades ago, causing 800,000 south korean deaths. The Americans rushed to the defence of the south, forcing the DPRK back. Analysts say that if they had failed, the entire south of the country would have been a bloodbath, and a nightmare of rape and torture.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

World Blasts DPRK Human Rights Abuses

Human Rights abuses in the DPRK are out of control. Children starve in the streets because of the criminal 'food distribution system' which favours the war monger's military above the civilian population. Below is a typical example of abuse in the DPRK. It may be shocking reading for readers from more civilized countries.

These actions are repeating themselves all over the DPRK right now. Slave labour, brainwashing and the criminalization of buying food are just a handful of the atrocities commited by the evil regime.

Real KCNA Editor in Hiding

The editor of the Real KCNA website is in hiding after DPRK war monger assassins made an attempt on his life a short time ago. The cowardly attack failed and the editor is determined to carry on the fight for truth. For security reasons, news reports may become sporadic.

Friday, August 11, 2006

DPRK Anti-Japanese Propaganda Under Fire

Recently the fake KCNA website has calimed the Japanese have no rights to self defence. After aggressively launching the "self-defence" missiles, the DPRK has criticised Japan's moves for a defence force of its own. In the late 90's the DPRK aggressively launched a missile OVER Japan, which could have caused human casulties if it failed early in its flight. The DPRK conveniently forgets this reckless move for war, when it attacks the rights of others to develop their deterrents.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Failure of Juche

Juche is supposedly the philosophy of "self reliance", yet the DPRK must import food aid and supplies from its neighbours in order to survive. This is concrete proof that Juche is yet another in a string of poor socialist attempts at a social structure.

DPRK Hypocrisy over Human Rights

Earlier today the DPRK accused Japan of having little concern for human rights within their country. This laughable attack comes from a regime that treats people as criminals, if they disrespect their leader, or even buy grain. Such a criminal accusation is typical of the propaganda on the fake KCNA website.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

DPRK Beginning to Crumble

The poor leadership of the DPRK tries to lie to its people and keep them in the dark, however, despite this information from the outside world does get in. Travellers across the border with China see the Chinese markets full of food, and realising that they have been lied to, return home to spread the news. In the south, some South Korean radio stations can be received, and the truth from the real government of Korea in the south can reach the people. The house built of lies will come crashing down as the truth tears at its foundations.

DPRK Claims It Has Technology That Can Reach The Stars

The DPRK claims it has technolgy that can reach the stars, yet this is nothing new among the international community. This is like boasting of having a six-pack in a room full of professional bodybuilders. The world will very much enjoy watching the DPRK's attempts to reach space, and marvel at the firework display when it's rocket begins to fall apart in the air, much like the recent failure of the test missiles that were launched to provoke anger and instability in the region.

South Korea Nervous Of U.S. Withdrawal

Seoul is said to be very nervous at the idea of U.S. forces withdrawing from the country, a special report says. The U.S. troops have been stationed in South Korea ever since the North's war of aggression, in which they tried to enslave the whole of the peninsula. Seould believes that if the U.S. troops pull out, it will open the doors for a second invasion.

Monday, August 07, 2006

International Struggle Against DPRK Brainwashing

People around the world are campaigning to stop the DPRK brainwashing its citizens. Children are being told about a false history, full of lies, which even blames the US and South Korea for starting the north's war of aggression against the peninsula! People all over the globe have access to information form as many sources as they wish, yet the poor people of the DPRK are banned from listening to broadcasts from outside of their country. This is to keep them 'in the dark' and make sure the only source of information they have, is the lies fed to them by their twisted 'leader'.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Millions Laugh at DPRK Propaganda

An exhibit of DPRK propaganda, much taken from the fake KCNA website, has gone on show around the world. The people of the world cannot believe how ridiculous the propaganda is! It is hilarious! The brainwashing within the DPRK must be severe, if the people cannot see through such pathetic lies.

Kim Jong-il's Diary Discovered

Kim Jong-il's diary has been discovered say respectable sources. The Diary reveals some very interesting facts, such as "July 29th: Decided to torture some more citizens." and "July 30th: I am enjoying my time at the school for the mentally challenged, which I am attending during the summer holidays. I have learned much, including how to count to 20."

President of Iraq sends Gifts to Real KCNA

The Iraqi President, voted for by millions of ordinary Iraqi people, has sent us a fabulous gift of a new yacht to congratulate us on our fair and decent reporting. The Real KCNA gratefully accepts the gift.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Kim Jong-il's Plans For Reunification By Force Under Fire

Kim Jong-il plans to reunify the Korean peninsula by force, a special report says. Kim has long exposed his people to propoganda, that the South Korean government are "puppets", when in fact they are a legitimate government chosen by the people. Kim favours a society based on his own ideals, instead of the ideals of its people, and brainwashes people to follow his ideas. He knows he cannot do this in a peaceful reunification with the south, who will reject his preposterous ideals. Now he will seek to spark a war to take over the south by force, while blaming outside forces for his own aggressive attitude.

DPRK Hypocrisy Revealed

Earlier today, the fake KCNA reported that the Japanese refused entry to a DPRK delegation for remembering the Korean people drafted into the Second World War. However, the DPRK were already well aware that they were forbidden to access Japan following their aggressive moves for war by firing missiles. It also reveals the hypocrisy of the DPRK, who have kidnapped innocent Japanese people, and refused to allow an investigation, which of course happened well before the aggressive missile tests. This just proves that the incident is being used for propoganda purposes. The Real KCNA supports the innocent and blameless Japanese people who were kidnapped by the DPRK.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Real KCNA Receives Floral Basket

A floral basket gift has just been received from the ailing Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. He was so moved by our honest and accurate reporting, that he climbed out of his hospital bed, and went to a local market to buy us flowers. The Real KCNA gratefully receives the gift.

Kim Jong-il's Moves For War Exposed

Special inside sources have revealed that Kim Jong-il is attempting to start up a new Korean war, by threatening and goading other countries. As we all know, the last Korean war started when the aggressive north decided to invade the peaceful south. These latest moves are creating the danger of a new war, and causing instability in the region. Most recently, border guards from the DPRK were ordered to fire a couple of rounds at their neighbours, in an attempt to provoke them into firing back. Had the plan worked, it is said that Kim Jong-il would have claimed the attack was caused by the south, lying to his people once again.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

DPRK Spy Tunnel Collapses, Killing Three

Three diggers have died while tunneling under the DMZ to spy on the real government of Korea in the south. The tunnel collapsed when their theory that "the strength of their singlehearted unity will hold the mountain up" proved false. Kim Jong-il is said to be in mourning over the tragic loss of the tunnel.

Kim Il-Sung Found Alive

Secret government reports show that Kim Il-Sung is in fact alive. It appears that the "Great Leader" (an ironic nickname), became tired of the cult of personality surrounding him, after his brainwashing attempts succeeded too well. Sung faked his own death, and now lives on a secluded paradise island with others, including Elvis Presley.

The Real KCNA Applauded in Different Countries

The Real KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) has been widely applauded all over the world for bringing the truth to the people. The "Fake" KCNA has always been used as Kim Jong-il's personal propaganda tool, and has long been identified as a source of misery for the glorious DPRK.

Our acclaimed articles have won so many awards that we cannot possibly list them, so we leave them all to your imaginations.

"At last, the real news is getting out."
- Kim Suk Cok - DPRK Minister for Human Welfare

Traitor Kim Jong-il's Poor Leadership Under Fire

Kim Jong-il's poor leadership and oppression of the people of the DPRK has been widely criticized, says a special report. This report claims that his people are not allowed to leave the country without the government's permission, that they are not allowed to talk to foreigners, and that nationalist propoganda is played into their homes regularly through their televisions and special speakers. The report also claims that students go to the fields every year for "voluntary" work, which is in fact, compulsory and unpaid. Our special report highlights the failings of the "Dear Leader" which has resulted in the big famine, the nation's isolation, and the ruin of its economy. Kim Jong-il fears the truth from entering his nation, as ignorance and propaganda are the only things keeping his "ship of leadership" afloat.