The Real KCNA

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Soveriegnty of Nations

While in most cases, the sovereignty of a nation needs to be respected, there are cases where the rights of a nation are overshadowed by the rights of all human kind. The right for people to live free and productive lives of their own choice, and the right for each person to free speech and a free market, are far stronger than the rights of nations to restrict these rights. In those cases, other nations have a right (indeed, a responsibility) to intervene and save people from oppression. In cases where the state takes too many rights from its citizens, the world should unite and act to defend them. History has shown a thousand times that socialist nations are run by greedy powermongers, who try to control the lives of their population. We can only hope that the poor people of the DPRK are liberated soon, from the tyrant Kim Jong-il.


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